

KOMPLET NOTESAMLING til Almen Statskundskab på AU

Uddannelse: Statskundskab (bachelor) Universitet: Aarhus Universitet

Aarhus Universitet: Du har 'Almen Statskundskab' på 4. semester på Statskundskab eller på 2. semester på tilvalg i Samfundsfag. Alle noter til hele semestret er samlet her; 79 sider med GULD noter. Se alt indhold her nedenunder: Indholdsfortegnelse 1. Krav og tilslutning til det politiske system 4 1.1 Easton, David (1957). “An Approach to the Analysis of Political Systems”, World Politics, 9(3): 383-400. AUL (18) 4 2. Rationelle valg og interesser 6 2.1 Downs, Anthony (1957). An Economic Theory of Democracy, New York NY: Harper and Row, pp. 36-50. KOMP (15) 6 2.2 Stubager, Rune & Jørgen Goul Andersen (2013). ”Godernes omfordeling: baggrunden for vælgernes holdninger til skat og ulighed,” i R. Stubager et al. (red.), Krisevalg. Økonomien og folketingsvalget 2011. København: Jurist- og økonomforbundets Forlag, pp. 89-108. KOMP (20) 8 3. Social og politisk identitet 9 3.1 Kinder, Donald R. and Cindy D. Kam (2010). Us Against Them: Ethnocentric Foundations of American Opinion. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 7-30, 245-254 (noter). KOMP 9 3.2 Forfatter: Campbell, Angus, Philip E. Converse, Warren E. Miller & Donald E. Stokes (1960). Bog og forlag: The American Voter, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Uddrag af kap. 6: ”The Impact of Party Identification” side 120-124, 128-136. KOMP 11 3.3 Forfatter: Sniderman, Paul & Louk Hagendoorn (2007). Bog og forlag: When Ways of Life Collide: Multiculturalism and its Discontents in the Netherlands. Princeton: Princeton University Press Kap. 4: “Identity” side 71-99. KOMP 13 4. Politisk ideologi og værdier 15 4.1 Uddrag af Kapitel 7: The nature of belief systems in mass publics. Philip E. Converse. Uddrag fra bogen: Ideology and Discontent 15 4.2 Ronald Inglehart (2008). “Changing Values among Western Publics from 1970 to 2006” West European Politics, 31(1): 130-146. AUL 17 5. Politiske skillelinjer 19 5.1 Cleavage Politics in Old and New Democracies - Bornschier, Simon (2009) 19 5.2 Rokkan, Stein (1987). Stat, nasjon, klasse, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget AS, pp. 236, 239-264. KOMP (27) 20 5.3 Rune Stubager (2013): The Changing basis of party competition: education, authoritarian-libertarian values and voting 22 6. Biologi versus socialisering: Arv og miljø 23 6.1 Jennings, M. K., Stoker, L., & Bowers, J. (2009). Politics across generations: Family transmission reexamined. The Journal of Politics, 71(3), 782-799.AUL 23 6.2 Alford, J. R., Funk, C. L., & Hibbing, J. R. (2005). “Are political orientations genetically transmitted?” American Political Science Review, 99(2), 153-167. AUL 25 6.3 Aarøe, L., Petersen, M. B., & Arceneaux, K. (2017). The behavioral immune system shapes political intuitions: Why and how individual differences in disgust sensitivity underlie opposition to immigration. American Political Science Review, 111(2), 277-294 AUL 30 6.4 Bartels, Larry. 2013. “Your Genes Influence your Political Views. So What?” Monkey Cage November 12, 2013, Washington Post 32 7. Holdningsdannelse: Heuristikker og motivated reasoning 32 7.1 Sniderman, Paul M., Richard A. Brody & Philip E. Tetlock (1991). Reasoning and Choice: Explorations in Political Psychology, New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 14-27 + p. 273. KOM 32 7.2 Petersen, M. B., Slothuus, R., Stubager, R., & Togeby, L. (2011). Deservingness versus values in public opinion on welfare: The automaticity of the deservingness heuristic. European Journal of Political Research, 50(1), 24-27. AUL 34 7.3 Taber, Charles S. & Milton Lodge (2006). “Motivated Skepticism in the Evaluation of Political Beliefs”, American Journal of Political Science, 50(3): 755-769. AUL 35 7.4 Uddrag (pp. 634-635, 637-640, 642) af: Slothuus, Rune & Claes H. de Vreese (2010). “Political Parties, Motivated Reasoning, and Issue Framing Effects.” The Journal of Politics, 72(3 630-645. AUL 36 8. Konsekvenserne af politisk kommunikation 38 8.1 Kinder, Donald R. (2003). “Communication and Politics in the Age of Information”, i David O. Sears, Leonie Huddy & Robert Jervis (eds), Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 357-368. KOMP (12) 39 8.2 Zaller, John (1992). The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. Kapitel 2 ”How citizens acquire information and covert it into public opinion” (pp. 40-51 øverst) 40 8.3 - Nyhan, B., & Reifler, J. (2010). When corrections fail: The persistence of political misperceptions. Political Behavior, 32(2), 303-330 AUL 41 8.4 - Sniderman, Paul M. & Sean M. Theriault (2004). “The Structure of Political Argument and the Logic of Issue Framing”, pp. 133-165 i Willem E. Saris & Paul M. Sniderman (eds), Studies in Public Opinion, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. KOMP 44 9. Vælgeradfærd 45 9.1 - Bartels, Larry (2010). “The Study of Electoral Behavior”, i Jan E. Leighley (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 239-261. KOMP 45 9.2 - Bélanger, É., & Meguid, B. M. (2008). Issue salience, issue ownership, and issue-based vote choice. Electoral Studies, 27(3), 477- 491. AUL 46 9.3 - Hansen, Kasper M. og Rune Stubager (2017). “Konklusion – en samlet vælgeradfærdsmodel.” I Hansen, Kasper M. og Rune Stubager (red.), Oprør fra udkanten (385-410). København: Jurist og Økonomforbundets Forlag, uddrag pp. 385- 398, 400-407, 410. KOMP 47 10. Politiske partier: samfundsforandring, partisystemer og partikonkurrence 48 10.1 - Green-Pedersen, Christoffer (2007). ”The Growing Importance of Issue Competition: The Changing Nature of Party Competition in Western Europe”, Political Studies, 55(3): 607-628. AUL 48 10.2 - Kriesi, Hanspeter et al. (2006). “Globalization and the transformation of the national political space: Six European countries compared”, European Journal of Political Research, 45(6): 921-956. AUL 50 10.3 - Dahlstrøm, Carl and Peter Esaiasson (2011). ”The Immigration Issue and Anti-Immigrant Party Success in Sweden 1970-2006”. Party Politics, 19: 343-364. AUL 52 11. Politiske partier: mobilisering og organisering 54 11.1 - Katz, Richard & Peter Mair (1995). “Changing Models of Party Organization and Party Democracy. The Emergence of the Cartel Party”, Party Politics, 1(1): 5-28. AUL 54 11.2 - Scarrow, Susan E. & Burcu Gezgor (2010). “Declining memberships, changing members? European political party members in a new era”, Party Politics, 16(6): 823-843. AUL 55 11.3 - Pedersen, Helene Helboe (2012). “Differences and Changes in Danish Party Organisations: Central Party Organisation versus Parliamentary Party Group Power.” Journal of Legislative Studies, 16(2): 2010, 233-250. AUL 57 12. Medierne: udvikling og funktionsmåde 58 12.1 - Cook, Timothy E. (1998). Governing with the News: The News Media as a Political Institution. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press: pp. 63-84 KOMP 58 12.2 - Strömbäck, Jesper (2008). “Four Phases of Mediatization: An Analysis of the Mediatization of Politics” The International Journal of Press/Politics 13(3):228-246. AUL 59 12.3 - Pedersen, Rasmus Tue (2012): “The game frame and political efficacy: Beyond the spiral of cynicism”, European Journal of Communication, 27(3): 225-240. AUL 61 13. Samspillet mellem medier, politiske partier og befolkning 62 13.1 - Bennett, W.L. (1990). “Toward a theory of press-state relations in the United States”, Journal of Communication, 40(2): 103-125. AUL 62 13.2 - Walgrave, S. & P.V. Aelst (2006). ”The Contingency of the Mass Media’s Political Agenda Setting Power: Toward a Preliminary Theory”, Journal of Communication, 56(1): 88-109. AUL 63 13.3 - Thesen, Gunnar (2014). “Political Agenda-Setting as Mediatized Politics? Media-Politics Interactions from a Party and Issue Competition Perspective”, The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19(2): 181-201. AUL 66 14. Interesseorganisationer: deltagelse og mobilisering 67 14.1 - Olson, Mancur (1982). The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, and Social Rigidities. New Haven: Yale University Press. Pp. 17-35, 243-246 (noter). KOMP 68 14.2 - Putnam, Robert (1995). “Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital”, Journal of Democracy, 6(1): 65-78. AUL 70 15. Interesseorganisationer: krav til det politiske system 73 15.1 - Schlozman, Kay (2012). ”Counting the Voices in the Heavenly Chorus: Pressure Participants in Washington Politics in Darren Halpin & Grant Jordan (eds), The Scale of Interest Organization in Democratic Politics. Data and Research Methods. Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 23-43. KOMP 73 15.2 - Fisker, Helene M. (2013). “Density Dependence in Corporative Systems: Development of the Population of Danish Patient Groups, 1901-2011”. Interest Groups and Advocacy, 2(2): 119-138. AUL 75 15.3 - Mahoney, Christine (2004). “The Power of Institutions: State and Interest Group Activity in the European Union”, European Union Politics, 5(4): 441-466. AUL 79



Eksemplariske noter til Offentlig Forvaltning v. Statskundskab - Aarhus Universitet.

Uddannelse: Statskundskab Universitet: Aarhus Universitet

Komplet notesamling til ALLE tekster i pensum. Udtømmende noter og vigtige pointer til faget Offentlig forvaltning ved 5. semester 2020 ved Statskundskab - Aarhus Universitet. Notesamlingen giver en fantastisk grundig og overskuelig gennemgang af fagets vigtigste linjer og pointer ved ALLE tekster. Notesamlingen er systematisk og pædagogisk opbygget så man nemt kan for et overblik over det vigtigste fra de forskellige emner, teorier og teoretikere. Perfekt til den studerende, som ønsker at kunne få en god forståelse af pensum, som kan være svært og teori-tungt.



Eksamens-tips til eksamensbesvarelsen i Offentlig Forvaltning på Aarhus Universitet (5. semester)

Uddannelse: Statskundskab Universitet: Aarhus Universitet

Udførlig og udtømmende tips til eksamensbesvarelsen i Offentlig Forvaltning . Perfekt til den studerende som ønsker at skabe en struktureret besvarelse med en klar rød tråd, samtidigt med at opgaven lever op til alle fagets kvalifikationsbeskrivelser. Ligeledes, er det en del nemmere, at skulle skrive en god opgave i en presset eksamens situation, når man ved lige præcis, hvordan man gå til besvarelsen.


