About us

Have you noticed there is something missing in the weird and wonderful world that is the university?A service that allows students to share knowledge and improve their finances all in once? No? Well, in the winter of 2012 we did.

A bunch of us, students like you, were frustrated from different reasons. Some of us hadn’t put in the work, and the exams were coming up, others had, but with the time spent reading, they were pulling less working hours and as a result had very little money to work with.

. In this particular case, notes were shared, and money was lent. Everybody passed the exams, and nobody died from starving. An idea was born.

Students are already buying and selling used textbooks, meeting in studygroups, attend exercise classes, pay for extra-classes, so why not notes? We ourselves being students know that there are some courses where you are ‘feeling it’ and some where you simply are not. With Uninets, you can help other students with some of your quality notes, in the courses you are good at (and get paid for it), and seek help in the ones you are feeling lost in.

So without further due, here is what we can offer you:

  • A note-exchange service that's easy and free to sign up for.
  • A note-exchange service where you can always find the best notes for your studies and line of education for a low price and a free preview before you choose to do so.
  • A service where you can turn your long forgotten notes from past semesters, into real world money. Upload them, share them, and cash in- Simple as that.
  • Most of all, a service that's made by students, with other students in mind.

You need us, we need you!

This project is as good as you lot let it be. We've done our share of sleepless nights and developing, but it's you users who give it the air under its wings with your sharing, uploading and spreading the word.

So reach out to your fellow students, tell them about our little adventure, and lets cover ALL educations with wonderful notes.

Did we miss out on something? If you've got any ideas on how to improve this site, please do write us at mail@uninets.dk!
